Join us for a healthy eating and exercise workshop here.
Day 1
Visit your nearest clinic and begin your journey to health. We will start you on ARVs and take blood to determine if there is anything that can interfere with the current ARV treatment
Day 7
At this visit you will see a healthcare worker and will be asked about side effects, and go through the importance of staying on your lifesaving treatment.
If necessary, you may speak to a
counsellor too.

Month 1
Keep taking your medication daily at the same set time. If you forget to take
it at your set time, the next time you
remember, take your medication, but
only if it’s not too close to your next dose. Don’t forget, “Better late than never”.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

Month 2
Come to the clinic to collect your
medication and have a check-in
to discuss any challenges.

“After this, we both took up golf on during the week and started eating fancy dinners at the local Country Club... Ha. This is not what happened at all. We suck at golf and love eating Guzman Y Gomez.”

Adam, Co-founder of Lumio

Month 3
You’re doing great! When you come
to the clinic to collect your medication,
we’ll do a blood test.

Whilst in Germany, Dan worked with with brands such as Daniel Wellington and BMW - Ja!

Adam worked with clients like Vodafone, TAFE NSW, Adobe and also won the 'Good Design Australia' award for his work on the Seatfrog website.

Month 4
Together we’ll check your
blood test results and you can collect your medication. 

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

Month 6
Today’s a great day to come to the clinic
to collect your medication, and let’s do your first viral load check. The nurse
will talk to you about Dablapmeds,
the quickest and simplest way to get
your chronic medication anywhere.

Month 7
When you come to the clinic to
collect your medication, you’ll get your
viral load result. If your viral load
is below 50 copies, you are considered
to be virally suppressed and can go
onto Dablapmeds.
Well done!

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.